25g Factory price small bag party fireplace camping decoration Magic fire powder
Místo původu: | Čína |
Výrobce: | Sunrich |
Modelové číslo: | SR8025 |
Certifikace: | Certifikace MSDS, CE |
Doba trvání: | 25 až 30 minut |
Dodací lhůta: | 3 na 7 dnů |

popis produktu
Once upon a time ,Well before all this technology was invented when one would end every day by gazing into a campfire. It was when our primitive selves would do our best thinking. You could really ponder stuff properly when you had a good fire to gaze into. While it's still very relaxing to do today, it can get a bit boring! But when that happens, all you need is a little Mystical Fire! A great way to get back to nature, but with a little modern chemistry thrown in (literally), this block of combustible material produces a terrific show of colours when it burns on a campfire. Turning the flickering orange flames to red, purple, green, blue and pink. And the effect isn't just some flash in the pan. One sachet of Mystical Fire will burn for up to 40 minutes. Giving you plenty of time for some serious psychedelic chin-stroking.
· The powerful artifact coloured flame powder is a holiday item that can form the colour of the flame during the festival.
· It is suitable for campfires, fireplace etc. The principle of this product makes the flame colourful by adding different elements.
· Every time you put 1-3 bags of product in the fire, you can see how the flame is dyed with dark blue or light blue, purple, red, green, yellow and other colours.
· It can be used for indoor and outdoor fires where wood and other fuels are burned. Depending on the size of the flame, the duration of the flame is more than ten to ten minutes.
· Note: It is prohibited to fry food in a coloured flame. Tip: Not recommended for children under 3 years.
· Způsobuje vážné poškození očí
· Způsobuje podráždění pokožky
· Škodlivý při požití
· Může být korozivní pro kovy
· Vysoce toxický pro vodní organismy, s dlouhodobými účinky
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Konkurenční výhoda
eco-friendly,durable,good quality,cheap price