ყველა კატეგორია

მთავარი>პროდუქტები>ჯადოსნური ცეცხლი>ჯადოსნური ცეცხლოვანი პლასტმასის ქილა

未 标题-66
未 标题-63
未 标题-32
未 标题-33
300g customized can jar Packing Magic fire Mystical fire camping fire bon fire color flames wood fire
300g customized can jar Packing Magic fire Mystical fire camping fire bon fire color flames wood fire
300g customized can jar Packing Magic fire Mystical fire camping fire bon fire color flames wood fire
300g customized can jar Packing Magic fire Mystical fire camping fire bon fire color flames wood fire

300g customized can jar Packing Magic fire Mystical fire camping fire bon fire color flames wood fire


წარმოშობის ადგილი:




მოდელის ნომერი:



CE,MSDS,DGM Air Transport, DGM Sea Transport

მინიმალური დაალაგე რაოდენობა:

10 ქილა


3.3 დოლარი ერთ ქილაზე

შეფუთვის დეტალები:

50 cans per carton

მიწოდების დრო:

3 to 5 დღე


500 pcs can make customized label

გადახდის პირობები:

TT, Alibaba,

მიაწოდოს უნარი:

30,000 pcs per day.

სწრაფი დეტალები:
1.Maigc fire, Mystical fire, Magical fire, Color Flames, magic fire powder, magic fire trick, magic fire packet, magic fire colorant, magic fire factory, colorful magic fire, magical flames, Camping fire, wholesale mystical fire, mystical fire powder, magic color fire, magic flames, magic color flames, fire color changer, color fire, colorful fire, colored fire, color fire flames, campfire party, bonfire color, magic fire color pack,
2.changing the color of your fire,just put 2-3 spoons of magic fire into the fire, your can see how the flames is dyed with dark bule or light blue,purple,red,green yellow and other colours.
3.300 გრ ​​თითო ქილა
Package: 250g packing in can/jar
Item Size:8*8*9cm,

პრემიუმის წევრობის შეძენისას თქვენ მიიღებთ:
● Bring colour to your fire! Simply place 2-3 spoons in the fire pit and the flames are dyed in blue, green, yellow, purple and red. Easy dosage with immediate result. Just the right thing for your next garden party!
● Works both outside the campfire and inside the fireplace or stove. With 2-3 spoons you will have up to 1 hours of colourful fire. Also suitable for use on the go thanks to the practical box.
● A stunning effect for cosy evenings at the campfire, in the fire bowl or as a highlight at the next party? The fire colours must be included. The powder is already completely preconceived and does not need to be further processed. Just put directly into the fire.
● The fire colours are supplied as powder in an airtight and resealable box. A dosage spoon is also included. Also available in the Hands-Off version in practical pouches. Please refer to our application instructions on the packaging.

Colourful Fire Colours 300 Gamm for Fireplaces Stove etc. Available in Bag or Powder

Also a real eye-catcher in a Sunrich torch. As soon as the powder comes into contact with the flames, the flames immediately turn into the different colours.


საქონელი სახელი

საქონელი წონა

შეიძლება ზომა




Carton Size:

Carton Weight

Magic Fire Powder

300 გრ ​​თითო ქილა

8 * 8 * 9cm,

3- დან 26 საათამდე

50 cans/ Carton


38 * 38 * 22cm


კონკურენტული უპირატესობა

MOQ for OEM, customized logo, MOQ is 1000 pcs
