Sunrich Flames Create Colorful Vibrant Mystical Fire for Fire Pit Camfire Bonfire Fireplace
Шығарылған орны: | Хунань, Қытай |
Жеткізілім мерзімі: | 3-7 күн ішінде |
сертификаттау: | MSDS сертификаты |
пакет: | Пластикалық банка |

Өнім сипаттамасы
· The powerful artifact coloured flame powder is a holiday item that can form the colour of the flame during the festival.
· It is suitable for campfires, fireplaces, etc. The principle of this product makes the flame colourful by adding different elements.
· Every time you put 1-3 bags of product into the fire, you can see how the flame is dyed with dark blue or light blue, purple, red, green, yellow and other colours.
· It can be used in indoor and outdoor fires where wood and other fuels are burned. Depending on the size of the flame, the duration of the flame is more than ten to ten minutes.
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