10g Mystical Fire Campfire Fireplace Colorant Packets by Mystical
Brendning nomi: | Sunrich |
Vaziyat | Halloween ,Christmas |
foydalanish: | Camping fire ,party |
guvohnoma | MSDS sertifikati, Idoralar |
Tayyorlangan dizayn yoki logotip: MOQ 30,000 XNUMX dona,
Ishlab chiqarish vaqti: 15 kun
Kelib o'rni: | Hunan, Xitoy |
Paket: | 35/1 |
Materiallar: | Metall kukuni |
sertifikatlash: | MSDS sertifikati |
rang | red,green,blue,purple |
Yetkazish vaqti: | 3 dan 7 kungacha |
· Bring colour to your fire! Simply place 2-3 spoons in the fire pit and the flames are dyed in blue, green, yellow, purple and red.
Easy dosage with immediate result. Just the right thing for your next garden party!
· The powerful artifact coloured flame powder is a holiday item that can form the colour of the flame during the festival.
· It is suitable for campfires, fireplace etc. The principle of this product makes the flame colourful by adding different elements.
· Every time you put 1-3 bags of product in the fire,
you can see how the flame is dyed with dark blue or light blue, purple, red, green, yellow and other colours.
· ✨ It can be used for indoor and outdoor fires where wood and other fuels are burned. Depending on the size of the flame,
the duration of the flame is more than ten to ten minutes.
· ✨ Note: It is prohibited to fry food in a coloured flame. Tip: Not recommended for children under 3 years.
Texnik xususiyatlari
Ko'zni jiddiy tirnash xususiyati keltirib chiqaradi.
Terining tirnash xususiyati keltirib chiqaradi.
Yutulursa zararlidir.
Nafas olish tizimining tirnashiga olib kelishi mumkin.
Suvdagi hayot uchun juda zaharli, uzoq davom etadigan ta'sirga ega.
raqobat afzalligi
1.Maigc olovi, sirli olov, sehrli olov, rangli olov,
2.olovingizning rangini o'zgartirib, olovga 1-3 qop sehrli olov qo'ying, siz olovning quyuq bule yoki ochiq ko'k, binafsha, qizil, yashil va boshqa ranglar bilan qanday bo'yalganini ko'rishingiz mumkin.